Principal's Message
Dear George Visual and Performing Arts Parents and Families,
Welcome to the 23-24 school year. I am excited to see all of our students and families for this school year. This school year we are going with a theme of "We Rise By Lifting Others." This statement truly means that we as a George Team (students, staff, parents) are here to support each other and be a productive unit. This year we have many events planned for our students and families. We have adopted the initiative of Stop Drop and Read, which means that every morning all students and staff will READ!! This will occur every morning between 9:05-9:20 pm, so please make sure your student arrives on time daily, so that they may participate in this positive reading initiative.
We are also dedicated to increasing our Parent Engagement opportunities. We plan to do this by increasing our PTSA members, inviting parents to be a part of our committees, continuing to host parent groups/meetings (Coffee with Principal, ELAC, SSC), and offering parent trainings/classes (look for more information in the coming months). We value your commitment to your students and George School.
If you ever need to get in contact with me, please stop by the front office and ask for an appointment or send me an email.
Mrs. Sytarria R Ridley-Kadzombe, MA.Ed
Proud Principal of George Visual and Performing Arts
Where George Eagles Always Aim High!!